presented among others at "Cybersonica" Dana Centre, Science Museum, London, UK (2005)
" The Time of Stars. Innoveations in the Universe", European Patent Office, Berlin, Germany (2006),
Pythagorean idea of the World’s Harmony, expressed in consonant
relations between its macro and micro components, has been recognized as
one of the most significant and influential concepts born by human mind. Pythagoras
used to believe that the whole matter emanates tones, that the whole world
is the music. He divided it into Musica Mundana (which soon became famous
as Music of Spheres) and Musica Humana (music of human body). Their
relations, open to mind rather than to our limited senses, have been
regulating links between the human being and Universe evolving according
to changes in our perception of the world and its understanding. Vibrating
tones reflecting the movement of planets around the Sun opens the sonic
essay on the Golden Record carried by spaceships Voyager I & II on
their intergalaxy journey One cannot foresee whether this updated version
of Music of Spheres will ever reach some distant in time and space
civilisations. These vibrations, containing the memory of milliards years
of existence, might never leave their source, remaining resonate inside
the inscrutable structure of human brain as long as imagination and
cognitive passion will rule our minds. For
"Tones & Whispers", Johannes
Kepler’s elaboration of Music of Spheres was performed by Barbara Buchholtz on theremin - instrument using radio waves . The
acquired melodies were then visualized in the form of spheres surrounding
particular planets and animated by the musician's hands. They circulate
inside the visual landscape composed of images acquired by fMRI brain
scanning combined then with distant stars and galaxies. “Music of Spheres” was written from the position of
the Sun – the centre of that time universe. Our contemporary world
however is deprived of any objective or absolute point of reference. Thus
the Sun in my composition gives place to the centre of our individual
sentience and representation of the world- the
brain and mind as its function..
soundtrack, elaborated by Dave Lawrence,
transforms “Music of Spheres” into multilayered compositions. Textures
are built up using natural and digitally processed sounds - including
sounds of electricity, alpha brainwaves, the human voice, simple vibration
based sounds (of strings/physical objects), sounds generated via light
sensor systems, sounds from our environment, and sounds from far off