Hidden Melody is a series of works inspired by the Pytagorean idea of mathematical World Harmony.
Between 2000 - 2005 most of my work bore upon the
Pythagorean idea of the hidden order, mathematical Harmony of the World,
questioning its topicality.
Pythagorean World’s Harmony, expressed in consonant
relations between its macro and micro components, has been recognized as one of
the most significant and influential concepts born by a human mind. Pythagoras
used to believe that the whole matter emanates tones, that the whole world is
the music. He divided it into Musica Mundana (later known as Music of Spheres)
and Musica Humana (music of human body).
His system based on numbers and proportions gave rise
both to science and art.
In my artistic realizations, visual records of the
internal spaces of my body (obtained by means of ultrasonography or magnetic
resonance) merged with images of distant Galaxies, microsounds of the blood
circulation, and brain-waves with recordings of cosmic radiations. They were
recalling a profound human desire/dream for Harmony and the cognitive potentials
of human imagination. In this series, I was also investigating relations between
the sound and its visual interpretations: from the rich tradition of the visual
music (connected often with synaesthesia) to music notations - specific matrices
of sonic phenomena.
Hidden Melody - Looking of a Sound
Hidden Melody - Exercises in the Perspective
Hidden Melody - Do It Yourself