Hidden Melody. Harmonia Mundi - exercises in perspective

Kingsgate Gallery, London 2002

Zestaw "Zrób to sam" pozwala na stworzenie własne efemerycznej notacji 

Praca odnosi się do Pitagorejskiej idei Harmoni Mundi i jej opracowania przez Johannesa Keplera (XVII/XVIII). Wygenerowane komputerowo dźwięki Muzyki Sfer włączone zostały w mikrodźwieki jednego uderzenia serca, którego czas trwania rozciągnięty został do odległości świetlnej Słońce- Ziemia. Metrum stanowi bicie serca  
Aspekt muzyczny jest tu tak samo ważny jak relacja między dźwiękiem i jego wizualizacją. (patrz video: 
Harmonia Mundi - ćwiczenia z perspektywy)

video, kabel, głośnik wmontowany w oparcie krzesła, lampy, lupa, zestaw "Harmonia Mundi. Zrób to Sam"



press release

This exhibition will present a new multi-media installation by the Polish artist Joanna Hoffmann. The show proposes a concise articulation of Hoffman's artistic endeavors, featuring her interest in interdependence between sound and its visual form. Harmonia Mundi. Exercises in Perspective integrates variety of media which the artist has been using so far: photography, artist's book, object, sound and video.

Hoffmann's work investigates the problem of relativity of dimensions, permeability of human and cosmic scales. Recognizing the cardiogram line and the sound of heartbeat as the essential marks of the human existence, she relates them to phenomena described by physics and astronomy. In her works, Hoffmann inscribes the event of heartbeat in circular movements of planets, pursuing the Pythagorean idea of Harmonia Mundi. Repetitive structures of her sound and video pieces parallel the inertia of physical bodies.

Harmonia Mundi. Exercises in Perspective juxtaposes visual elements with musical piece combining computer stretched sound of the heartbeat with sounds of planets as recognized and written down in the form of musical notation by Johannes Kepler. The viewer is invited to produce photographic prints of Kepler's notes, facing the cardiogram line drawn on the gallery walls and experiencing the organic reverberations of the sound of the heartbeat. Inserted in the exhibition is also a new video by the artist in which acoustic and visual waves are juxtaposed with ultrasonographic image of the inside of the human body.

The title of the exhibition refers to the problem of perspective, crucial in the visual arts since the early Renaissance. As the new technologies increasingly introduce new modes of understanding and experiencing the world, this subject seems to be especially relevant nowadays. In the age of virtual reality there seems to be no other stable point of reference than ourselves and our imagination. (...)


Pawel Polit